Briefing Room Polls (Guests Welcome!) > The Briefingroom Polls

Do you finance payment plans or do you save and purchase with one payment?

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I don't like financing except with a renters agreement because I don't own my own house. Other than that though, I don't do finance contracts. If I can't afford something with one payment I go without. How about you?

I run up big debts and then try to convince other people to pay them off (and vote for Bernie).

Other than my house, furniture for the house(1 time) and for 3 vehicles, I've paid cash for everything else.

Paid cash for house and car; the rest is little stuff on a card or two.

There are occasions when financing makes sense.  I've bought tractors and other equipment with a manufacture's 0% interest rate (5 year) that included replacement insurance on the equipment.

I've bought trucks with an interest rate below the CPI.


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