Briefing Room Polls (Guests Welcome!) > The Briefingroom Polls

Are you now, have you ever been and will you ever be a political candidate?

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I ran unopposed once for city council.   But I lost to anyone but him.

Politics is a gridlocked shit show that you can't compete in at high levels without selling your soul. I'd rather do something that allows me to feel like I'm making a difference in the world.


--- Quote from: Dexter on December 10, 2018, 11:34:56 pm ---Politics is a gridlocked shit show that you can't compete in at high levels without selling your soul. I'd rather do something that allows me to feel like I'm making a difference in the world.

--- End quote ---

I think it’s different on the township level than going higher up. And student council isn’t much of anything other than resume fodder for college.

Free Vulcan:
You can get into office and do good, if you're smart and know what you're doing. Problem is most people don't have a clue about working the system.

Frank Cannon:
I ran a few times and won, but these two ass hats from the Washington Post started writing shit about me and I was forced to retire early and hang out with Bebe Rebozo.


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