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Are you now, have you ever been and will you ever be a political candidate?

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Some odd folks seem to think that everyone is running for president unless they explicitly state that they aren't. That seems like an awful way to go about viewing and interacting with the world, sadly though, there really are people like this. This normally wouldn't be a big deal if bozo mcdumbshit believes that everyone is waiting to pounce on the opportunity to become a world leader but sometimes bozo mcdumbshit really gets annoying. What a cutie pie, that bozo mcdumbshit. You would think that the best way to consider who potential presidential candidates are would be saying to yourself, "I'm going to presume that no one I see or hear is a potential candidate for the presidency unless they explicitly state that they are and that they make that statement of their own free will and it is reasonably likely that they have resources and expertise and the education required to even make it possible." Goodbye bozo mcdumbshit, don't come back.

I voted No. I will never be a political candidate. I never once considered candidacy in my whole entire life. Being a politician is something I never wanted and never will want. End of story.

WTF ru goin on about?


Free Vulcan:
I've ran too many campiagns to know for sure that I never want to be a canddiate.

Kingmaker is more fun anyway.


In college I was on SGA and SFB.

Right now I am a comitteeperson for my district  representing my township. Each district in my township has four representatives. Two republicans two democrats. One male, one female. One year term.

For all those I just put my name on a ballot and people either voted or didn’t vote for me.

HS I was on student council and Band council. I just needed posters and glitter glue and made those with my mom.


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