Author Topic: Muslim Brotherhood Is Connected To Hitler, Nazis, And Mein Kampf.  (Read 788 times)

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Muslim Brotherhood Is Connected To Hitler, Nazis, And Mein Kampf.

Muslim Brotherhood is connected to Hitler, Nazis, and Mein Kampf.  In this episode, you will find out the truth that has been hidden in plain sight. Listen to find out more on this subject that though well documented, no one seems to have ever heard before. Elliot Chodoff, Major in the reserves in the IDF, will be with us today. Tune in to hear his insight on such a pressing topic, right here on WallBuilders Live!

Air Date: 03/22/2017

Guests: Elliot Chodoff, David Barton, Rick Green, and Tim Barton

Transcription note:  As a courtesy for our listeners’ enjoyment, we are providing a transcription of this podcast.  However, as this is transcribed from a live talk show, words and sentence structure were not altered to fit grammatical, written norms in order to preserve the integrity of the actual dialogue between the speakers.  Additionally, names may be misspelled because of the difficulty in understanding the speaker at times. We apologize in advance.