Briefing Room Polls (Guests Welcome!) > The Briefingroom Polls

If you were on death row and were to choose your mode of execution, what would it be?

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sleeping pills with a bottle of champagne...

   Working in the Electronic field most my life and being shocked more times than I care to remember comingled with my fond memories of my drug years, I went with the dope option.


--- Quote from: mystery-ak on December 07, 2018, 01:42:33 am ---sleeping pills with a bottle of champagne...

--- End quote ---

Sounds about right to me.

Seriously, I am appalled that this question exists in today's USA.  A big dose of Fentanyl will put you out painlessly and permanently.  Heck, even a small dose often does it accidentally.

Cyber Liberty:
My option isn't there.  I want to be blown up with a nuclear device. 

Upon further reflection, I want to go out like Hatchet Jack.


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