Briefing Room Polls (Guests Welcome!) > The Briefingroom Polls

If you were on death row and were to choose your mode of execution, what would it be?

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--- Quote from: 240B on December 07, 2018, 04:04:35 am ---Erotic asphyxiation -- I want to go out hanging by a belt in my closet
With my hand on my dick

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Is there anything you would not say here in public?



--- Quote from: mirraflake on December 07, 2018, 07:52:31 pm ---After watchng the electrocution scene in the move The Green Mile = nope.

Had a dog put down last year. Vet went with the blue juice. Doggie just fell asleep then it's heart stopped.  No pain.

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There was an electrocution scene in OZ that was Yeech.


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