Author Topic: Kansas: Judge gives Muslim visa scofflaw FOUR YEARS until next immigration hearing  (Read 350 times)

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Kansas: Judge gives Muslim visa scofflaw FOUR YEARS until next immigration hearing
November 30, 2018 / creeping   

An update on this previous post – Kansas: GOP rep introduces bill to save Muslim visa scofflaws from deportation.

Source: Next immigration hearing for Park professor Syed Jamal postponed until 2022

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Three years and five months. That’s how long metro professor Syed Jamal has until his next hearing for relief.

The Park University professor’s family said a judge postponing his case is bittersweet. They have a few more years together without fear of their father and husband being taken away. But after that, his immigration status will be up in the air once again.

“I was optimistic. You could say there was some apprehensive talk, but I think I was still optimistic in the bottom of my heart,” Syed Jamal said.