Author Topic: If You Want Peace, Plan for War!  (Read 253 times)

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If You Want Peace, Plan for War!
« on: December 02, 2018, 04:24:47 pm »
If You Want Peace, Plan for War!

By Fredy Lowe —— Bio and Archives--December 1, 2018

My goal here is not to scare you but, as a broker of written words, allow me to remove the ‘s’ in scare, and know that I ‘care’ for you and to seriously consider what is posted below and make the necessary preparation. You may want to begin with a prayer.

The title as you may recognize is the English translation of the popular Latin phrase: “Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum.” But, our greatest fear should be that far too many of our fellow Americans do not appreciate what our ‘desire for peace’ means, based on either their ignorance or apathy, both of which could soon get them killed. Do not allow their unprepared state of panic bring you down with them.

Like a shiver of killer sharks, who are best known for their ability to smell blood in the water from miles away, the new Democratic majority in the House believe the scent of his blood is now everywhere in the air of DC, as they create crisis after crisis getting closer to their only goal of finally terminating the presidency of Donald Trump. And, do not doubt for a second that the complicit Republicans will be right by their side to gleefully force his resignation. But, be it from fear or foolishness, their blind hatred has caused them to irrationally disregard the potential counter-action by millions upon millions of true Americans, like myself, and most of you who are reading this, who will not simply roll over, allowing that to happen.