Author Topic: Everything the Left believes is complete fiction… “mass hallucinations” are now the bedrock of left  (Read 237 times)

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Everything the Left believes is complete fiction… “mass hallucinations” are now the bedrock of left-wing politics

Tuesday, November 27, 2018 by: Mike Adams   

(Natural News) Listening to the daily hysteria of the left-wing media is a lesson in just how insane society can become if the masses are indoctrinated with deliberately false information for years on end. Nearly everything the Left believes is complete fiction, and it’s fiction by design. The very point of the left-wing media’s mass indoctrination of the gullible masses is to turn reality upside down and convince people that false things are real, while brainwashing them into thinking that real things are false.

One of the simplest recent examples of this is how the left-wing media, for weeks before the mid-term elections, condemned any mention of the Honduran caravan as “imaginary” and “fictional.” Across CNN, MSNBC, WashPost and the NYT, so-called journalists told the public there was no caravan and that anyone suggesting the presence of a caravan was trafficking in “conspiracy theories.”