Author Topic: LGBT advocates now routinely subjecting children to sexual abuse and “gender fluid” brainwashing in  (Read 206 times)

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LGBT advocates now routinely subjecting children to sexual abuse and “gender fluid” brainwashing in latest escalation of gender cultism

Friday, November 30, 2018 by: Mike Adams   

(Natural News) Buoyed by relentless virtue signaling and a cult-like desire for popular conformity, LGBT activism has now morphed into the blatant sexual abuse of children with “gender fluid” brainwashing and “trans worship.”

Yes, the insane Left is now targeting children for their sexualization and transgender indoctrination. No child is safe as long as Leftists get to define what’s “acceptable” in popular culture.

Demonstrating the child abuse that’s now celebrated by the virtual signaling Left, Good Morning America recently hosted a transgender child who was worshiped like a queen (pun intended) during the propaganda broadcast. Known as “Desmond is Amazing,” this trans child has no idea he is being used by adults in a twisted sexualization LGBT scheme that seeks to dress up dress up young males like female whores and parade them around to fulfill the bizarre pedophilia sex fantasies of adult Leftists.