Author Topic: “Global dimming” scheme unveiled: Scientists want to chemtrail the atmosphere with SMOG in the name  (Read 535 times)

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“Global dimming” scheme unveiled: Scientists want to chemtrail the atmosphere with SMOG in the name of “saving the planet”

Wednesday, November 28, 2018 by: Ethan Huff   
(Natural News) Many of us here at Natural News never thought this day would come: The day when the mainstream media finally decided to tell the truth about the existence of “chemtrails,” But while it’s now open knowledge that chemtrails are real, the public still isn’t being told the truth about their actual purpose.

Intentionally blocking out the sun with chemical aerosols, we’re now being told, could be a critical tool for stopping global warming (or climate change, or whatever they’re calling this hysterical conspiracy theory these days). Except there’s just one problem: people, animal, and plants need the sun, which anyone who took elementary school science well knows.