Author Topic: What about Your FISA Judges, Justice Roberts?  (Read 177 times)

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What about Your FISA Judges, Justice Roberts?
« on: November 26, 2018, 01:56:46 pm »
November 26, 2018
What about Your FISA Judges, Justice Roberts?
By Daniel John Sobieski

As long as we are on the subject of whether there is such an animal as an "Obama judge," let us consider the judges who sit on the FISA court and issue warrants allowing surveillance of American citizens who are suspected foreign agents, essentially taking the uncontested word of the government.

Their actions on behalf of one political campaign, colluding with a corrupt DOJ and FBI to target a political opponent, are not supposed to happen in a country based on the rule of law as administered by supposedly impartial judges.  Empowered to safeguard our national security against foreign actors, they essentially served as an extra-constitutional arm of the Hillary Clinton campaign as it colluded with foreign actors to stage a Deep-State coup against a duly elected president, Donald J. Trump?  Aiding and abetting the legacy of Barack Obama seems like something an "Obama judge" would do.

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