Author Topic: The Navy Has a Problem: It Can't Do Convoys If War Breaks Out.  (Read 315 times)

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The Navy Has a Problem: It Can't Do Convoys If War Breaks Out.
« on: November 26, 2018, 12:39:22 pm »

November 25, 2018

The Navy Has a Problem: It Can't Do Convoys If War Breaks Out.

"No one covets sentry duty. British tars found naval raiders and privateers of old an unworthy but also stubborn foe. U.S. mariners may be repeating their mistake. If so, the first year of the next war could be 1942 all over again. That’s a trauma no one should want to relive."

by James Holmes

No one covets sentry duty. British tars found naval raiders and privateers of old an unworthy but also stubborn foe. U.S. mariners may be repeating their mistake. If so, the first year of the next war could be 1942 all over again. That’s a trauma no one should want to relive.

Jerry Seinfeld could make convoys the subject of a standup routine: what’s the deal with them?