Author Topic: Clergy and the Caravan  (Read 311 times)

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Clergy and the Caravan
« on: November 24, 2018, 05:46:22 pm »
Clergy and the Caravan
November 22, 2018, 8:20 am

By: Tabitha Korol

I would like to believe that these left-leaning rabbis, ministers, and imams had good intentions, joining together to meet the caravan of migrants and provide them with food, clothing, and solace, but their logic is deeply flawed.  Whatever their intent, it is unconscionable and immoral for them to presume that they have the authority to offer the United States of America, home to more than 325.7 million American citizens, to any foreign hordes.  In breaking the law, they are setting themselves above the law, which is something expressly forbidden in Judaism and Christianity.

Some of the rabbis used the Holocaust as false justification for the men’s trek to the north (95% of the lot are men), but theirs is a misplaced spirit of humanitarianism.  They have drawn an unsuitable equivalence between the European Jews who were forced to flee their homes in fear for their lives with the Central Americans who were lured by the promise of welfare.   This sense of social justice is peculiarly selective, inasmuch as the rabbis were silent when “Palestinian” youths were propelling incendiary kites and balloons over Israel for more than a half year, burning thousands of acres of precious land and life; silent during these years of firing rockets and mortars into Israel, killing, crippling, and destroying; silent when Jews are attacked on the streets of Israel, France, Sweden, and Brooklyn; and silent when jihada and anti-Semite, Linda Sarsour, rants her hatred against Jews and President Trump.  Heck, they didn’t even show up to support the establishment of the US Embassy in Jerusalem, yet they managed to arise in support of an invasion into America by unknown, lawless thousands!