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Will Republican Senators vote to further punish Saudi Arabia? Could they override a veto?


Will Republican Senators vote to further punish Saudi Arabia?

I ask that because I think legislation, if vetoed could probably be overridden by the Senate.

Okay, Senators Rubio and Paul would likely vote for further restrictions, however it shakes out. Senator Mike Lee, I don't know about. Senator Cotton may well side with the President but I'm not so sure about Senator Cruz.

  I don't see McConnell dying on this hill in his relationship with Trump. He'll herd his cats if that's what Trump wants.

   *McConnell and McCarthy have replaced Putin and MBS as Trumps' NEW and Improved Bitches.

Wish there was a third option

Don’t know. Undecided.

Seems like a poll should have that option

Republican politicians don't have the spine to stand up to anything, especially when Saudi cash is involved.


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