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Should prostitution be legal?

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I find it weird that it's illegal for a woman to get paid for sex unless there's a camera recording and it's uploaded to the internet for money. Should two adults be able to engage in this behavior? I think if it were legalized it would be easier to ensure the safety of both parties. It'd also create more tax revenue. Also people are just going to do it anyway. How many police resources get wasted on stopping people from paying for sex? It seems ridiculous to me. When you try to force people to not do this all you're doing is increasing crime. Let's stop funding the black market with bad laws.

Frank Cannon:
Yes. I am always looking for new cash revenue streams....

Fo Shizzle!

Assuming that, as a matter of theory, it should be legal because consenting adults should generally be left to run their own lives as they please, it is possible to prevent women (or men, for that matter) who don’t wish to engage in the business from being forced into it?  And is blanket prohibition simply the only way to prevent legalizing sex slavery. 


--- Quote from: Oceander on November 21, 2018, 11:22:57 am ---Assuming that, as a matter of theory, it should be legal because consenting adults should generally be left to run their own lives as they please, it is possible to prevent women (or men, for that matter) who don’t wish to engage in the business from being forced into it?  And is blanket prohibition simply the only way to prevent legalizing sex slavery.

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I think sex slavery would be diminished with legalization because legal businesses would take an enormous chunk out of overall sex traffic. That makes the whole process a lot harder for sex slavers because they have a lot less funds and most people will be looking for a legal business rather that some sketchy illegal sex trafficker. Also legalization would lead to regulations to ensure the girls don't have STDs and to make sure they're not being forced to make the choice to be a sex worker; there'd be regular checkups and verification for these things.

Legal prostitution would reduce the spread of STDs. Nothing good is happening as a result of us trying to prevent this practice. I can't think of a single element of this that won't improve with legalization.


--- Quote from: Dexter on November 21, 2018, 12:26:54 pm ---I think sex slavery would be diminished with legalization because legal businesses would take an enormous chunk out of overall sex traffic. That makes the whole process a lot harder for them because they have a lot less funds and most people will be looking for a legal business rather that some sketchy pimp. Also legalization would lead to regulations to ensure the girls don't have STDs; there'd be regular checkups and verification.

Legal prostitution would reduce the spread of STDs. Nothing good is happening as a result of us trying to prevent this practice. I can't think of a single element of this that won't improve with legalization.

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Legalization also makes it a lot easier to run a sex slave ring out in the open. Do you really think most customers are going to check first to make sure the girl is really there of her own free will, and will question her carefully to make sure she’s not just lying because of threats of violence from the pimp or madam?  If not the customers, then who?   Will we have a massive force of sex inspectors going to every place where sex might conceivably be sold to check that each and every purveyor is really selling herself or himself voluntarily?  At that point, making it illegal may simply be the most cost-effective solution; that is, not without its own costs, but still less costly than the alternative. 


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