Author Topic: First Amendment is nonpartisan and might protect the NRA in a recent court case  (Read 304 times)

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  • Posts: 24,777 by Jack Greiner 11/14/2018

First Amendment lawyer Jack Greiner: First Amendment is nonpartisan and might protect the NRA in a recent court case

A recent case from a federal district court in New York reminds us that the First Amendment is a truly non-partisan document.

It protects speakers on the right as surely as it protects those on the left. It’s kind of a refreshing thought in these hyper-partisan times.
The case involved an investigation by the New York Department of Financial Services into an insurance program backed by the National Rifle Association. The NRA endorsed a program called “Carry Guard.” Among other perks, it provided liability insurance to gun owners accused of acts of intentional wrongdoing. It also provided insurance for any legal costs and expenses incurred in a criminal proceeding resulting from acts of self- defense with a firearm.

The provisions allegedly violated New York insurance law. Traditionally, public policy prohibits insuring for intentional or criminal acts.
