Author Topic: DoD and the Cloud: Moving Out Bureaucracy to Focus on National Security  (Read 271 times)

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DoD and the Cloud: Moving Out Bureaucracy to Focus on National Security
By Keith B. Alexander & Jamil N. Jaffer
November 14, 2018
Recent months have seen much controversy over the Defense Department’s move to a cloud-based infrastructure.  In the last year alone, multiple contract protests have been filed, and the award has been delayed numerous times.  While there may be much to argue about on process, what has gotten lost in this debate is the fact that Defense Secretary Mattis’s move to the cloud is the right move for our national security.  Little, if any of the debate, has focused on the concrete benefits that DoD’s shift to the cloud offers our warfighters, much less its critical cybersecurity benefits.  The fact is that continued delays in implementing the Secretary’s plan impose a significant cost on military effectiveness.