Author Topic: The Audacity of Myth: How the Media Ignored Obama's Lies About His Own Biography and Memoir  (Read 296 times)

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The Audacity of Myth: How the Media Ignored Obama's Lies About His Own Biography and Memoir
By Brent Bozell and Tim Graham | July 13, 2013 6:29 PM EDT

The media's sneakiest dirty trick in the book is bias by omission, because is is so hard to find, when journalists decide "what the people don't know won't hurt them," or more precisely, "what the people don't know won't hurt our candidate."

In Barack Obama's case this omission emerged in 2012 over his biographical narrative: his 1995 memoir Dreams From My Father, which became a huge bestseller as he prepared to run for president, and enriched him with an estimated $1.3 million in royalties (not to mention almost $4 million for his campaign book The Audacity of Hope), and that's just through 2007.

Reporters loved this book. In an October 23, 2006, cover story in Time magazine, Joe Klein oozed about Obama's parentage: "He told the story in brilliant, painful detail in his first book, Dreams from My Father, which may be the best-written memoir ever produced by an American politician."

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