Author Topic: Mysteriously 'FOUND' Ballots In DEM STRONGHOLDS In Florida, Arizona  (Read 183 times)

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Friday, November 9, 2018
Mysteriously 'FOUND' Ballots In DEM STRONGHOLDS In Florida, Arizona

Florida at center of explosive post-election fight, as new Arizona Senate tally gives edge to Dem

 Gregg Re

A midterm election season that appeared quite settled Tuesday night has suddenly entered a bitterly contested overtime, with Arizona’s Senate candidates locked in a tight race and trading the lead as votes trickle in – and Florida reprising its 2000 role as the center of a ballot-counting brawl complete with armies of lawyers and allegations of local corruption.

In Arizona, Democratic candidate Kyrsten Sinema suddenly took a narrow 9,600-vote lead over GOP opponent Martha McSally late Thursday, with some 400,000 votes left to count in a closely watched race that will determine the size and influence of the Republican Senate majority in January.

That was after McSally had consistently led Sinema since Election Day, and was ahead by 17,000 votes as of early Thursday.

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Re: Mysteriously 'FOUND' Ballots In DEM STRONGHOLDS In Florida, Arizona
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2018, 02:10:00 pm »
HOLY CRAP! FLORIDA VOTER Films Broward County Election Officials Transferring Ballots in Rented Truck on Election Night! (VIDEO)

Florida voter JoAnn Knox captured Broward County Election Officials Transferring Ballots in Rented Truck on Election Night!

“This violates all chain of custody requirements for paper ballots,” argues Independent Congressional candidate for Florida’s 23rd District, Tim Canova.

Florida voter JoAnn Knox posted an extensive play-by-play to her Facebook page explaining what she witnessed with the paper ballots at a Broward County polling site in Plantation, Florida District 23 on election night.

    By the time I was allowed to finally enter, (around 7:25) they had already started packing up and had pulled the tabulation tapes from the scanners. What I witnessed for the next hour was a room full of people, operating 3 different precincts in the same room, frantically packing everything up and running around looking for things. Where’s the zero starts? Where’s the digital drives and the cases. Who has the phones? Etc. Packing/signing/bagging/boxing.

    It was crazy.

    One lady even asked me if I wanted to help. They just wanted out. Quickly.

    What struck me the most was the total lack of “chain of custody”.

    Everything got sealed with thick plastic zip tie type fasteners.

    There were green, red, and blue ones and they did have numbers on them, but, it didn’t seem to matter what color went on what and I did not see anyone logging what number zip tie sealed any given thing.
    These ties were also used to seal the blue bags filled with the paper ballots
    And, one thing that really stuck with me was the fact that ziplock bags of these ties were just laying around on the tables for any one to take. I kept thinking that there really was nothing guaranteeing that those ballot bags couldn’t be opened and resealed (with no way of anyone knowing).

    Once they posted the results on the door, I started photographing the Congressional race tallies

JoAnn Knox said that as she was leaving, two women carrying a box marked “provisional ballots,” said “the truck left these out there.”