Author Topic: Congressman Jason Crow military bio  (Read 3293 times)

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Congressman Jason Crow military bio
« on: November 09, 2018, 04:52:52 am »
I have searched and can find zero info on the web about this man's military history,other than what he or his campaign staff put out. They say he was a Army Ranger that served 3 combat tours in Afghanistan and Iraq,and "won the Bronze Star". There are also a few photos of him on the web that were posted by him that show him as clean-shaven and wearing what looks like starched fatigues and brand new web gear while posing like he was on patrol somewhere.

Something is fishy. The citation for his Bronze Star is not listed,and there isn't even a whisper anywhere about how he earned it. MY suspicion is that it was meritorious service,and he never heard a shot fired. They make him out to be a hard-core Ranger,but no mention of Ranger School. I found one mention of him being an infantry Captain,but it was written by a reporter,and there are no other mentions of what branch his commission came from,or any actual duty assignments. No mention of a CIB,no mention of ANY valor awards.

There are even mentions he "served in Special Forces in Afghanistan",and he did NOT serve in Special Forces. Not even as an attached and non-SF qualified officer.

There is a mention that his first assignment was with the 82nd Abn Division as a platoon leader,but no mention of what brigade,company,or duty assignement. Or even any mention that he went to jump school.

BTW,for those of you who don't know,there are enlisted and commissioned soldiers ASSIGNED to airborne,Ranger,and even Special Forces units that are not airborne,Ranger,or SF qualified. These are support soldiers. Since this shithead was a lawyer,I strongly suspect he was serving as a JAG officer ATTACHED to these units as a lawyer instead of a soldier,yet he and his campaign staff really played up the whole "Ranger with a Bronze Star" thing. Generally speaking,people who are awarded a Bronze Star for meritorious (non combat) service are said to have been awarded a Bronze Star,and those who were awarded a Bronze Star for bravery in combat are said to have "been awarded a Bronze Star with the "V-Device" for Valor".
In other words,you can be a Colonels personal assistant and bring him breakfast every day and make his bed for him,and get a Bronze Star,but to be awarded a Bronze Star with the V-Device you MUST have been involved in actual combat and displayed enough bravery to have stood out as being worth recognition of your courage.

This guy made his military career and the Bronze Star award a centerpiece of his campaign,yet there is not a left-wing brain-fart he doesn't support,including instant citizenship,Obama Care,and gun confiscations.

If he is lying,he needs to be exposed the next time he pops his head up and claims he is a combat vet.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!