Author Topic: Sitting is NOT the new smoking, contrary to popular myth  (Read 324 times)

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Sitting is NOT the new smoking, contrary to popular myth
« on: November 05, 2018, 06:27:08 pm »

Sitting is NOT the new smoking, contrary to popular myth
November 5, 2018, University of South Australia

Excessive sitting is not good for health but it pales into comparison with smoking, researchers say. Credit: Creative Commons

No, sitting is not the new smoking, despite what countless newspaper articles have peddled in recent years.

That's the consensus from an international team of researchers who have laid to rest misleading claims comparing the health dangers of sitting for long periods with smoking cigarettes.

In the latest issue of the American Journal of Public Health, researchers from Canada, the US and Australia say that while research does suggest excessive sitting (roughly more than eight hours a day) increases the risk of premature death and some chronic diseases by 10-20%, this pales in comparison to the risks associated with smoking.