Author Topic: USA tops charts for WORST health outcomes of all industrialized nations with 70% of Americans taking  (Read 326 times)

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USA tops charts for WORST health outcomes of all industrialized nations with 70% of Americans taking experimental prescription drugs

Monday, November 05, 2018 by: S.D. Wells   

(Natural News) In some countries, doctors are paid bonuses for healing their patients, or they’re not even paid at all until the patient becomes well. In the United States, doctors are paid by Big Pharma to peddle experimental drugs made with chemicals in a laboratory that cause side effects that are worse than the conditions and symptoms being “managed.” The drug companies literally wine and dine doctors, give them trips to Vegas, and hand them tickets for front row seats at professional sporting events, all so they’ll prescribe more of their addictive opioid-based pain and SSRI “psyche” pills – medications their patients probably don’t even need. The cold hard truth is that the USA has worse health outcomes than France, Australia, Japan, Sweden, Netherlands, Austria, Germany, and the United Kingdom, plus the USA is lower on that statistical “totem poll” than all other industrialized countries averaged together. The U.S. also has the highest rate of deaths via “healthcare” compared to comparable countries. Disappointed? You should be.