Author Topic: ‘Die Jew Rats’ synagogue vandal was anti-hate-crime intern & Democratic activist  (Read 434 times)

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 â€˜Die Jew Rats’ synagogue vandal was anti-hate-crime intern & Democratic activist
Published time: 4 Nov, 2018 17:44

In a bizarre twist, the man who spray painted anti-Semitic graffiti on a Brooklyn synagogue turned out to be “queer,” black, former anti-hate-crime intern, James Polite: a 26-year-old with loving Jewish foster parents.

Less than a week after a gunman murdered 11 worshippers at a Pittsburgh synagogue, anti-Semitic graffiti was found scrawled inside Union Temple in Brooklyn’s predominantly Jewish Prospect Heights neighborhood. The graffiti read “Die Jew Rats” and “Hitler.”

A Democratic political event scheduled at the synagogue on Thursday night was canceled, and police investigated the incident as a hate crime. After being caught on the synagogue’s CCTV cameras, James Polite was arrested on Friday.

Offline goatprairie

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I was lurking on a thread at DummyUnderground concerning this incident, and all the Dummies were frothing at the mouth and sure a deplorable Trump supporter wearing a MAGA hat had done the dirty deed.
When it came out the perp was a black liberal, the thread disintegrated rather quickly.


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I was lurking on a thread at DummyUnderground concerning this incident, and all the Dummies were frothing at the mouth and sure a deplorable Trump supporter wearing a MAGA hat had done the dirty deed.
When it came out the perp was a black liberal, the thread disintegrated rather quickly.

Did the thread disintegrate into any acknowledgement that they may have been at fault, or just flailing about trying to somehow blame it on Trump or anything else?

Offline goatprairie

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Did the thread disintegrate into any acknowledgement that they may have been at fault, or just flailing about trying to somehow blame it on Trump or anything else?
Libs/leftists are usually utterly unable to admit their side could have nuts/evil people.
However, occasionally on some of their threads a few exhibit moments of lucidity as in not blaming Trump/Republicans for every evil on the planet.
But that's pretty rare.
One of their threads the other day concerned when they first realized that all Republicans/conservatives were completely evil and wanted to kill everybody on the planet.
There wasn't one commenter who acknowledged that Republicans/conservatives, while voting the wrong way and holding errant thoughts, are still human beings.
Nope, all conservatives were completely and utterly evil.
But we have a few on our side who think the same about liberals. Not my view. Many libs are just clueless ignoramuses who need to be educated. Not necessarily evil.

Offline DB

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Fake but accurate is the long standing MO of the left. Doesn't matter to them who actually did the deed. Its what their enemies "want" to do so they're just exposing them... Sort of...

Its a bit like when they're going full fascist screaming threats and using violence to shut down other peoples opinions while they claim they're anti-fascist making it all justified, its for a "good" cause and all...