Author Topic: The best article on Donald Trump I've ever FAR  (Read 929 times)

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The best article on Donald Trump I've ever FAR
« on: November 02, 2018, 06:04:58 pm »
Please read this, cut and paste it, and send to everyone on your email list.

                                                                                                                                                                            RE: Donald Trump                                                                                                                                                     
                                                                                                                                      Your Future, and that of America Now Hang in the Balance: Critical Action Required


This is a very unusual email……and it contains some absolutely explosive secrets that many in the government do NOT want you to know about.  It will almost certainly have been sent to you by a friend. I think it is critical that you read it from start to finish. Your financial future and the future of our country is at SEVERE risk as a result of the current political situation and the upcoming elections. You are being lied to left, right and center by both political activists and the press about what caused this mess and how it is likely to end. Donald Trump’s arrival on the scene has changed everything, and you too must change if you and your country are to prosper.
In this email I am going to tell you what the press and government lackeys will NOT tell you........which is exactly how we got into the current political debacle, and what you MUST do if you and your family hope to survive. I will tell you EXACTLY what you need to do to be one of those who make it through the next few years, and, by the way….. how you can help save your country while you’re at it. When you're finished reading this email it will all make sense. You may be VERY pissed off...but at least you'll understand exactly how this political mess came to be, and most importantly you will know what exact steps you need to take right now so that you can personally survive the coming years financially.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Something for Nothing

If you're worried that this is some sort of  "offer", rest assured, I'm not asking for a penny from you. There will be no link later in the email offering you some fantastic service or "premium" information that you have to pay for. Everything I have to tell you is below...all free.  Consider this info a gift from someone who is worried about the future of the good people who live in the country, and the country itself. A gift  from someone who has studied the current situation very, very carefully and has the specific expertise to give you advice. You can take the advice or leave it, but in my opinion you’d be very foolish to not even read it, and then decide what to do.

Why am I doing this? First of all, I am already wealthy, and to be blunt, I don't need anyone else’s money. So there’s no reason I need to charge a penny for the revelations that will follow shortly. But I do love America and what it originally stood for, and believe me when I tell you that it is all at risk of slipping away in just the next few years. ‘VERY much at risk.

But it's not hopeless.

I am going to share some things with you that certain politicians and the press would MUCH rather you did not know. Things you MUST know to protect yourself from the coming Perfect Storm. This storm has already started but the worst of it by FAR is still ahead. Many will suffer immensely. Some, those who do the right things now, will be ok. Read every word of this email and ACT upon it, and you will PROBABLY be one of the survivors. Or, you can stop now, go watch another episode of Biker Chicks Go Wild, pretend that everything is fine, and hope for the best. Me.....I'd read on.

I am also going to make it clear that the upcoming mid-term elections are very, very important. There are things about the Trump presidency that nobody talks about that are overwhelmingly important to the future of the US. The country, and you personally are at serious financial risk no matter who wins.....but if the election goes the wrong way, you’ll be at MUCH greater risk, make no mistake. I will explain exactly why this is the case.   I will present you with some facts that you almost certainly haven't read in the press...facts that you can then check for yourself. By the time you've finished this article, you will have no doubts as the the risks facing the country if this election does in fact go wrong.

Even if you do everything exactly right, you could still be at risk of  personal financial hardship…but you’ll PROBABLY be ok. This is a life-or-death situation that we are in at the moment, and don't think for a moment that it isn’t. I will tell you everything in this email. You need to know it, believe me. And if you expect the media to tell you these things you are dreaming.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Crack Through the News Blackout

You aren't going to find this info in any of the mainstream press, and yet without it there is a VERY good chance that you could be ruined in the next few years. The situation is that serious.

Do you think the country has problems now? Trust me, in 2 years, if you do nothing, these will be the good old days. I will explain exactly why this is the case. The good news is that there are some things that you can do right now that will, in all probability, allow you to come through in decent shape, and perhaps even prosper. ‘No guarantees………but it’s free advice from someone who has made millions of dollars in the investment field, and I am going to tell you exactly what *I* am doing. You can follow if you like………or ignore my advice. But at least you have the option.

But I didn’t write this so you could  make money…….that will be a side benefit. This is about saving the country.

And it all comes down to the mid-term elections……….they will be the deciding factor in what happens in the next few years.  What you need to do will be decided by the election results. I’ll tell you what I recommend in both scenarios.

                                                                                                                                                                                                               How Did We Get Into This Position?

Let me start at the very beginning. When I am finished you will, perhaps for the first time if you rely on the mainstream media for your news, understand exactly how a relative handful of utterly amoral people have looted the country....and why the press and the government lie to you about it. I will name names. I will tell you the exact people who caused this disgusting mess, many of whom you have heard of, some not.... and EXACTLY what they did, step-by-step to bring the country to the brink of ruin. Nothing is going to be held back here. And again, if when reading this you think "This is just too outrageous, it can't be true", use the some research. Nothing I am going to share can not be fact-checked with a little work on your part.

And again, this is not some sort of sales pitch or gimmick. Nowhere in this email are you going to be asked to buy this...or subscribe to that.  I am about to impart some information to you that is critical to your future. All you need to do is read until the end....then decide to act.

I want to see the US survive. The United States of America was a one-of-a-kind, beautiful experiment when it was founded; a place where anyone was free to try to make a success of themselves. In a world full of savagery, where the vast majority of the world’s countries were designed to benefit the few political elites, rather than the people who paid their own way in life………the US was indeed a shining star. ‘A place where equal *rights* were enshrined in our very constitution. Now let’s take this opportunity to distinguish between us all having equal *rights* and us all being *equal*. Of course people are not all equal………..I may be able to run faster than you……….you may have a higher IQ than the guy down the road…………he may be a great singer, whereas you can’t hold a note. No two people are exactly “equal”, just as you’d expect. What we DO have are equal *rights*.  America was founded as a place where a kid like me, coming from a family on Welfare, could work his way up to the point of being a multi-millionaire, because I had the *right* to take my best shot.  ‘No guarantees, but the right to take my best shot, and succeed or fail based on my efforts. There is a LOT of Planet Earth, even to this day, where these rights still do not exist.  It would be a heartbreaking tragedy to see it all lost. But sadly, we are virtually at that point. Whether it can be saved at this stage is still up in the air, but it is not at least worth a try? Your children’s future, and THEIR children’s future depends on what people like you and me do right now. That…… what this email is about.

 The information I am about to give you is my attempt to help turn things around. If you follow it, you will survive, even if the economy goes into full depression…..or worse. If you ignore it, you are on your own. ‘At least I tried.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Get Comfortable

This email is going to take a while for you to read, so I suggest that you make yourself comfortable and settle in. Prepare to get angry; very angry perhaps, as I tell you some secrets that have been kept from you that make it CRYSTAL clear how the country got to the condition that it is in today. It's pretty shocking, but unless you understand it, you won't be motivated to do the things required to help prevent a total collapse of your personal finances and of the country in which you have chosen to live.

So if it's not worth a little of your time to learn these things…..if watching another brainless show on television tonight is more important to you than  doing a bit of reading and learning, than so be it. The future of your loved ones and countrymen hangs in the balance. The good news is that WE can control what is going to happen……… simply need to do the right things…right now. And I will tell you exactly what in my opinion they are. You have a chance, right here right now, to learn some things that will enable you to defend yourself...things that will make it possible for you to survive the very critical next couple of years and see your country survive.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The Beginning

In order to fully understand the  situation that the US  is in at the moment, it is necessary to take a step back and look at the very roots of the problem. So a very brief history lesson is in order. You need to understand how the situation evolved in order to appreciate how it is that we are in such a desperate predicament at the moment. You need to understand how this happened right under your nose and what you need to do about it. And very importantly, you need to understand why the upcoming election could very possibly be the factor that decides whether the country fully recovers and prospers, or joins Rome and other failed civilizations of the past that dissolved from seeming invincibility into chaos and anarchy, vanishing from the earth for all time. I am not exaggerating one bit, the situation is that critical.

Let's begin:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The Catalyst
There was one historical catalyst that started this entire political mess. It happened over 10,000 years ago, and yet it was responsible for the growth of all great civilizations. Unfortunately, it also made possible a political philosophy that ultimately has destroyed almost every one of these very same civilizations. When I tell you what this great catalyst was you might initially want to laugh at me. Maybe I am just another internet crackpot? Then..... you will read WHY this one event was the catalyst of the political system that produced cataclysmic results in every country in which it was employed………including to some extent, in the US.. You will see why an inherent “dark side” of human nature made the looming black moment in history almost inevitable. It may not be pretty, but it is true nonetheless and you need to understand it to understand how and why you must act right now to protect yourself and your family.

If you don’t understand the root cause, you may not understand why it is so important to follow the specific advice I will give you later in this email.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Bad Timing

It just so happens, by bad luck, that we are now at the historical apex of this long-developing financial and cultural crisis. We are unlucky enough to be at sea when the Perfect Storm hits. Bad luck perhaps, but what can we do? The situation is what it is….you can lie to yourself and pretend it isn’t really happening, or simply face reality and take the steps required to batten down the financial and cultural hatches and survive. I've chosen the second option, and I hope you do as well.

Once you fully understand the roots of the problem, no matter how improbable it may seem at first, it will start to become very clear how today's society evolved into what it is today. This is why we are taking a brief detour 10,000 years into the past.  It's like building a house, brick by brick. We must understand the "foundation" before moving on to the "walls" and "roof".

So what was the catalyst?


That's right, agriculture. Planting things in the ground.

Let me explain....

Up until the advent of agriculture, humans wandered nomadically, hunting, gathering....just trying to scratch out a living wherever they could find it. They had no fixed roots, as they were not tied to any particular piece of real estate. Food was where you could find it. There was no fixed location at which men could absolutely count on finding a predictable supply of precious food.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        "I Have Rights!"

Imagine someone in that environment claiming he had "rights". Rights to housing, rights to health care, rights to food, or rights to anything else he desired. The idea is comical.....a malcontent standing in an empty plain howling into the wind about about his "rights" while around him a few desperate people were roaming the plains, themselves looking for things to eat.  Who could he get to provide the things he wanted and had "rights" to if he himself wouldn't do the work required to get them? Where could he go where there would be people who would have no choice but to listen to his claim that they owed him something because it was his "right", even though they themselves might  be struggling just to survive? The answer is simple……………..


There simply WAS no such place. He would either work for a living and perhaps survive……… or perish. Nobody cared about his self-proclaimed "rights", they were too busy trying to scratch out a living and stay alive themselves. There was nobody he could force to supply him with what he wanted. For that, you need a fixed target.

Then came agriculture.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       The Importance of a Fixed Target

Now, suddenly, hard working farmers were tied to the land. They couldn't leave, as their crops were their livelihood. This was effectively the start of civilization as we know it. People with ties to the land. Suddenly the most basic need, food, had become more than a lottery. If the farmer worked hard enough and didn't get unlucky with the weather, he knew that he'd be eating next year, no matter what.

This was a unique turning point in human history, and allowed, for the first time, men with a strong work ethic to begin to spend time thinking about things beyond bare survival. It's hard to write a symphony, or do scientific research, or conceive a brilliant invention when you have to spend all day scratching for bits of food…..’wandering the land.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The Bad News

Unfortunately, the miracle of agriculture was also the starting point of a political movement that could, in the end, be the force that brings our once-proud country to its knees. Many other great civilizations have failed as a result of this philosophy taking hold, and there is no reason to think America will be different if the tide isn't turned.  Again……let me explain……….

With the advent of agriculture, for the first time, the man who felt as though "someone, somewhere" owed him something, had a place to assert his "rights". He knew where there was a steady supply of food, even though none of HIS work went into producing it. He knew where there were people who HAD to listen to him, as they weren't going anywhere because they COULDN’T go anywhere. So men like that became the early examples one of the saddest examples of human life: professional looters.

By definition a looter is someone who steals the product of OTHER people's labor. In this case, the looter could simply sit up on the hillside, waiting for the farmer's crops to come in….’no need to do any of that nasty work...just sit atop the hill waiting. Waiting for someone else's work to finally pay off. At that point it was a simple matter of the looter using a little "persuasion" to get what he wanted from the  unfortunate farmer. And since the looters normally outnumbered the farmers, the farmers had little choice but to watch the crops they'd worked and bled for carried away.

                                                                                                                                                                                           And So, The Earliest Tax Rates Were Conceived

In time, even looters realized that if they took ALL of the crops, the farmer would simply not grow any more next year, so a careful balance had to be drawn.....simply, what was the maximum amount that could be looted without discouraging the farmer to the point that he too decided to become a looter.? Why work and sweat if looters are going to take EVERYTHING? And this.....and even if you currently think of yourself as a "Liberal" I want you to believe this as a simple truth......was the beginning of Leftist politics. Not "Liberal" politics, in the classic sense of people who are caring and forward thinking, but Leftist, as applied to many current, bitter looters, both those in political office and their clients, who vote for a living, as opposed to working for a living.

"I'll vote for you, and let you keep the power, the limos, the special favors that politicians enjoy, you just keep on getting me the loot...I don't care how you do it, or who you may damage or destroy. Just get it, and my vote is yours." This is the silent pact between the looter's agent, the politician, and the small-time looter, who has evolved into a "Voter".

                                                                                                                                                                                                        An Unfortunate Turning Point
This was the beginning of "Victim" culture. "I am a victim because you have something I don't have; never mind that you worked for it and I didn't". For it's much easier to justify looting property from the person who produced it if you can cast yourself in the role of a "victim", or a “Champion of the People”, in the case of a politician. Then it's not really "stealing", it's just a matter of enforcing "rights". And if you can come up with a philosophy that allows you to turn the farmer into a villain, so much the better. That makes the looting almost the "moral" position..taking from the "rich" farmer...with all that food (that he worked for)…and giving to the looters, who although they themselves wouldn't dream of doing all that hard work, nonetheless had "rights" to the product of the farmer's labor.

From here it was a very short moral leap to developing an entire system that made looting an acceptable way of life. "Government" instead of  serving as a mechanism to PROTECT people's rights, became the vehicle that VIOLATED people's rights; at least the rights of people who actually worked for a living in honest enterprise. After all, looting is hard work, and when carried out by individuals the victims may not always cooperate, and the looter could even be at physical risk. But the government has guns…….and in an ideal world (from a looter, or professional voter’s perspective)…….the people with property to be looted would NOT have guns. Then, the government grabbing the loot on behalf of the Voters becomes a walk in the park, so to speak.

                                                                                                                                                                                                             The First Politician

This is EXACTLY how "Politicians" came into being. "Just vote for me, and give me the drug of power, and *I* will give you all the things you have a "right" to. You don't even have to lift a finger and risk the wrath of the people who need to be looted. I'll go find the people who have worked and created a bit of wealth for themselves, take it away from them and give it to you". It was an offer than many people just couldn't refuse.

Many of us have a very positive outlook on humanity in general, and much prefer to look for the heroic side of the human race than the evil  side. But that doesn’t mean we are naïve. I am WELL aware that a certain percentage of humanity are NOT virtuous…’are NOT honest men of good will. The reasons we, as humans, are stuck with some misfits are many and varied. When you see how some “parents” go about “raising” their children it’s hardly a surprise that their offspring end up as completely dysfunctional adults with no sense of honor or purpose.

It’s tragic, but nonetheless a child living in a house in which the father hasn’t been seen since conception,  with a mother who  uses drugs and does no work, provides no books or educational encouragement is not likely to become a well-balanced, positive force in our society. Is it more likely that this person will turn out to be the one who starts a small business and creates jobs and prosperity, or a prisoner, or “community organizer” devoted to the philosophy of looting, as opposed to wealth creation? And tragically,  there are more and more of this sort of “family” with every generation.

Why this is so is hardly a secret. When a looting class has become fully installed in the government, former “community organizers” and ne’er-do-wells end up with their hands on the levers of power. Suddenly they have the ability to take loot and distribute it to all prospective Voters. Many borderline cases simply fall off the roster of the productive economy and accept the handouts (and of course Vote for their elected benefactors).

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Things Change

If you look back at the makeup of the American family just 50 years ago as opposed to today the changes are absolutely shocking. The debauchery of today is absolutely astounding compared to the comparatively recent past. Institutionalized looting has made this possible. When you track the government budget side-by-side with  the levels of completely dysfunctional “families”, they go up in PERFECT harmony, which will come as no surprise to any student of human nature.

                                                                                                              Some People Hate the Good…..Simply for Being Good

Many people, it’s sad to say, HATE the free enterprise system, despite the fact that it is the only system in the history of the planet earth that has created any wealth or prosperity It is also  the only system that is actually moral in the people’s lives, and the product of those lives, belongs to them……not “The State”. And what is “The State”?  It is no more than a collection of some of the least productive members of society banded together….with the guns required to tell productive people how much of their own money they will be *allowed* to keep.  But in a pure, free enterprise environment, people’s lives and property are theirs…end of story.. The alternative is “communal” living, otherwise known as Communism or, more fashionably……Socialism. This has failed in EVERY country in which it has been imposed for a very simple reason… it doesn’t take one small thing into consideration: human nature.

When you look at primitive tribes the one thing you almost always find is that they practice communism. They don’t CALL it communism, and may not have even heard the word…..but you don’t need to know the word for “murder” in order to kill someone. It is a simple fact of life that people will work harder and be more creative and industrious if they know that if they do well that they will be able to keep the results of their hard work. If a village consists of 100 people and it’s time to go out hunting, if you know that even if you drive yourself to exhaustion all day chasing a deer  that it’s going to go into “the pot” and you will end up with 1/100th of it, you are simply more likely to come up with a reason to let someone else go out and brave the heat, bugs and snakes. If HE gets a deer, you end up with just as much meat on your table without having done any actual work.

The INEVITABLE result is that some people go into minimum effort mode and sit waiting, with their hands extended. Great civilizations aren't built by people who have good reason to be lazy and uncreative. They are built by people who have a REASON to be productive.

And that, dead simple example, is why Socialism fails, every………single…….time.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The Reward

A system that allows people who work to realize the rewards creates human dynamos.....engines of creativity. People see a possibility of their families becoming financially secure if only they work hard enough, take a few risks, come up with great ideas and then ACT on them. This is a fundamental truth.

This is why primitive tribes STAY primitive. Where are the incentives to be productive? Let any one of them institute a system that ENCOURAGES enterprise, hard work and creativity by allowing the man who worked and created to realize the fruits of his labor, and come back a few decades later and see the transformation. If you doubt this, find me ONE such tribe or culture in the world. Find ONE example of a prosperous culture in which no matter how hard and creatively you work you end up with little or no more than the lazy neighbour who stayed at home.  Find just one. And good luck, I should add.

So why, you may ask, do some people hate the free enterprise system, otherwise known as Capitalism? I hate to tell you this, because it sounds so terribly cynical……but it it nonetheless entirely accurate.  Being positive and forward looking is wonderful………but being naive is very dangerous. The world is what it is and it’s a dangerous mistake to indulge ourselves in fantasies by pretending otherwise.

So, why do some people hate our system of Capitalism/Free Enterprise so much?  They hate it because it rewards hard work, intelligence, creativity and thoughtful action.

In other words, it doesn’t reward THEM.

Not that you’ll hear many of the true haters putting it that simply, of course. An entire language has developed to put a clean face on what is little more than naked envy and resentment. “I am for the people”, I am for “The little guy”, “I am against ‘BIG’ this, or ‘BIG’ that”. Doing well, and becoming “big” is bad, of course. But if you go out partying every night and make a mess of your business, so your employees no longer have a job and your family can’t eat, you aren’t so bad evidently.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The Dark Side

And this is the ugly side of human nature. Fortunately not many people are afflicted with it, but the problem is that they are the VOCAL ones, the ACTIVE ones. You are too busy making a life for yourself, working and perhaps raising a family to be out on the streets doing community “organizing” (figuring out new and better ways to get more money from the people who earned it), protesting, lobbying the looter’s representatives in Congress to take even more. So YOU are an easy target.

By doing nothing worse than just going about your business honestly, trying to do the right things and make a good life for yourself, you become a target…….a “farmer”. And you are BUSY. A well-run life takes time, leaving you little extra time for “activism” or “organizing”. Anyway, who NEEDS activism or community organizing (all designed to figure out new ways to grab other people’s money) when you are a productive human who is looking after yourself?

The misfits, on the other hand,  many of whom are wearing suits and ties and  have been made to appear “respectable”,  have nothing BETTER to do than spend time “organizing”……planning new ways to get more of what YOU have created. Look at the various “community organizers”, “political action” groups,  committees, etc. Find ONE that does not have as its CORE purpose getting more money away from people who earned it. Good luck with that.

They don’t sit around thinking of ways that,  if they put their  heads together and took intelligent, productive action they could start some sort of business, make some honest money, and use THAT money to fund whatever cause they claim to represent. Or all get jobs, even at MacDonalds, and donate all their salaries to that good cause. Nope. It’s only YOUR money that interests them, not using all that energy they expend trying to get your money away from you to actually earn some money of their own. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                               The Darkest Side

And  sadly, there is an even more despicable minority. Those who don’t even care if they get your money, as long as they can make sure that YOU don’t have it. This is envy and resentment in its ugliest form. People like this instinctively are against ANYTHING that improves the climate for business or the creation of wealth. Are we going broke paying for foreign oil, while sitting on a king’s ransom of domestic shale oil? Tough……we can’t take it out of the ground and save our economy. We’ll just send all our wealth to Saudi Arabia (from where the vast majority of the 9/11 terrorists originated). 

Even if it is demonstrated that LOWER income tax rates produce MORE tax revenue in the end by stimulating new businesses, the misfits are against lowering them. The idea of even MORE people becoming comfortable and prosperous is apparently too much to bear. Lower tax rates bring people onto the playing field who otherwise would have been on the sidelines.. Need I point out that if the government took 95% of all the income made, most people would simply stop working. It is inherently obvious that the more of their hard-earned money people are graciously allowed to keep, the more motivated they are to work and produce wealth.

But despite the fact that this has been demonstrated time and time again, how many times have you seen Nancy Pelosi or her ilk laughing at the very POSSIBILITY of letting, God forbid, the people who actually EARN money keep a bit more of what they earn?

This is what I call “The Acid Syndrome”. I remember a truly sad and revolting story from a number of years ago. A high school girl was so incapable of dealing with the fact that one of the particularly pretty girls was much better looking than she was that she showed up at school with some corrosive acid and threw it in the face of the prettier girl…scarring her for life. This, I am very sorry to say, is the lowest common denominator of the hard core Leftist. A base, fundamental need to destroy anything  more “beautiful” than they are………which would include anyone leading an independent, productive life instead of living with their hands out…as Leftists inevitably do. This virtually DEFINES evil……hating the good and productive people BECAUSE they are good and productive. To a right-thinking person……..creating productive businesses that provide jobs for the employees, and products and services that fulfil peoples needs voluntarily is a beautiful thing…..even if they are not involved. But not to a hard-core Leftist………and don’t ever kid yourself about that.

Remember, in my opinion being a “liberal”, is a good thing. A CLASSIC liberal that is…….which means someone who is tolerant, believes people have the right to live their lives as they like, as long as they don’t harm anyone else in doing so………and believes in individual rights. This view is now best described as “Libertarian”………..while the people who call themselves “liberal” today have more in common with fascists than anyone else. Opposing views must be shouted down……..’no intelligent debate allowed. Individual rights only apply to those who loot……..producers have the right to be taxed, at whatever rate suits the looters. Publications (web pages in the modern context) that oppose Leftist ideology shut down by the big tech companies.  ‘Productive people vilified…….simply because they ARE productive. This is the snarling, furious face of “liberalism” today………and the fascism they preach has absolutely NOTHING to do with ACTUAL liberalism. **They are simply the snapping, barking misfits looking for a political justification for their hatred of what is good**.   Nothing more.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Men of Good Will

People of good will are HAPPY to see others doing well, creating employment and general wealth. The sad, bitter minority are not. And unfortunately, they end up as the “political activists” and “community organizers” because they have lots of TIME to go along with their resentment. But then you DO have lots of time when you do nothing productive with your life, don’t you? ‘Time to show up at every “protest”, shaking fists in the air and chanting in unison about whichever cause the lap-dog media is pushing that particular day.

But you just go along with it. After all, it’s not these individual misfits taking your money, it's your "friendly" Uncle Sam doing the looting.  How could "he" do anything that would harm to the country? Well anyone who has come into contact with any of the massive army of little "Sammys", be they IRS agents, bureaucrats, or regulators, knows full well how much damage the little Sammys can do to an otherwise free country.

Let’s get one thing clear about money. The looters and their elected representatives would have you believe that the money they take from you isn’t really yours….that letting you keep a bit more than they otherwise WERE going to take is a GIFT.

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Congealed Life

But your money is simply a congealed form of your LIFE. You sacrificed many hours of your life to get that money; hours that you otherwise could have spent doing something other than work. You traded irreplaceable hours of your life for that money. So when they come for your money, they are taking part of your life from you, and don’t EVER forget that.

If you are a slave, you work all day for nothing. But at the moment in America, if you are a middle class taxpayer, by the time you add on sales tax, gas tax, income tax, both federal and state and the myriad other taxes, you don’t get to keep even half of what you earn. Can you be half a free man and half slave?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  A Good Cause

But it is all for a “good cause”, so you go along with it. Did it ever occur to you that when Nancy Pelosi smiles into the camera to announce that more of YOUR money is going to be taken without your agreement that it is done so under the threat of death?  Am I exaggerating? If you think so, the next time you are told that even MORE of your money is going to be taken……see what happens if you say “Ok, Nancy, enough is enough. It was ME who earned this money, not you. You, in fact, have never earned an honest dollar in your entire life, why should YOU just come waltzing in looting with impunity? Sorry, this time the answer is NO; I’ll keep my money, thank you”

                                                                                                                                                                                                   The Consequences of Resistance
Then, wait to see what happens. After a string of increasingly demanding letters, eventually and INEVITABLY, Sammys will appear at your door to take away property that you own to satisfy your “debt”. If you refuse to let them take it, and try to defend your property down to the end, they will KILL you. The only reason they normally don’t have to resort to such an ugly measure  is that people cave in at some point, either early or late in the process. But try to defend your property to the bitter end, refusing to let it be taken away and you will end up on the wrong end of a gun. I hope you see that this is true. The fact that you may be uncomfortable with this concept does not make it any less true. This is the ugly face of the professional looter that stays hidden behind the smiling and “compassionate”  mask.

 Most of the time.

 But remember, it only stays hidden because the helpless working people simply give in and allow the looting class to take as much as they want to take. I’m not blaming the victims for caving in, they have lives and families to worry about, and telling the looters “If you want money, try EARNING some, but you’re not taking MINE” would only end up making their children orphans if carried to the ultimate conclusion.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The Problem

The problem, of course, is that even politicians can't loot an unlimited amount in a democracy, because to them the one God in the universe is The Vote. Nothing matters except getting back into office, or even better, reaching a "higher" office (meaning simply that the politician has more "victims" depending upon him, giving him more “prestige” and “power”). And when “The Rich” have been taxed as much as is humanly possible, the middle-class are the next target…………but the middle class represents a LOT of votes.

 So an uneasy standoff quite naturally develops: politicians promising the world to the voters, but ultimately running into the problem that there simply isn't enough to loot from "the rich" (which eventually devolves into almost everyone who is remotely comfortable) to fulfil all the promises required to bribe the professional voters. So the ultimate irony comes to pass...politicians looting the the middle class, who themselves have come to think of themselves as being deserving of government loot in one form or another..... be it cheap loans from government agencies, subsidies, or whatever. All of these things come at a price.

This explains the ludicrous imagery of a perhaps-well intentioned, but tragically naive voter supporting a politician who promises them "free" health care, without having the wherewithal to understand that the government produces NOTHING. Zero. Not a single penny of wealth is created by the government. Every cent it spends has been taken from someone who earned it. And yet, the situation has evolved to the point that even some well-meaning but tragically uninformed people who work for a living and are already crippled by stifling rates of taxation, naively vote for the very people who have caused their suffering.


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Re: The best article on Donald Trump I've ever FAR
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2018, 07:03:25 pm »
Sorry. Too long. Too muddled.

If you can't get to the point and sumarize in a few words, forget about it.

"God must love the common man, he made so many of them.�  Abe Lincoln

Offline Absalom

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Re: The best article on Donald Trump I've ever FAR
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2018, 07:31:06 pm »
Sorry. Too long. Too muddled.

If you can't get to the point and sumarize in a few words, forget about it.
Article? ARTICLE???
It's 60 paragraphs of brainless yip-yap @ 300+ words per.

Offline RoosGirl

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Re: The best article on Donald Trump I've ever FAR
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2018, 08:25:18 pm »
I don't know about the best, but certainly the most representative.

Offline Night Hides Not

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Re: The best article on Donald Trump I've ever FAR
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2018, 08:43:25 pm »
First time I've ever thought of putting someone on "Ignore" after their first post.
You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

1 John 3:18: Let us love not in word or speech, but in truth and action.

Offline Axeslinger

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Re: The best article on Donald Trump I've ever FAR
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2018, 08:57:34 pm »
First time I've ever thought of putting someone on "Ignore" after their first post.
@Night Hides Not
Wow!!! Amen to that!

Please don’t ever post another article ever again.   That had 30 paragraphs before “let’s begin”

And then it never began.   That was pure email spam bullshit. 
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first." - Thomas Jefferson

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Re: The best article on Donald Trump I've ever FAR
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2018, 09:10:51 pm »
I don't know about the best, but certainly the most representative.


All I can say is.... Yikes!

(If we cut and paste this and send it to our e-mail lists, we won't have any friends left!)
« Last Edit: November 02, 2018, 10:15:11 pm by musiclady »
Character still matters.  It always matters.

I wear a mask as an exercise in liberty and love for others.  To see it as an infringement of liberty is to entirely miss the point.  Be kind.

"Sometimes I think the Church would be better off if we would call a moratorium on activity for about six weeks and just wait on God to see what He is waiting to do for us. That's what they did before Pentecost."   - A. W. Tozer

Use the time God is giving us to seek His will and feel His presence.

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Re: The best article on Donald Trump I've ever FAR
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2018, 09:44:03 pm »
   You Hater's are restricting dialogue, I'd bet English is not your first language.
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

Online roamer_1

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Re: The best article on Donald Trump I've ever FAR
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2018, 11:24:17 pm »
Quote from: the OP

The good news is that WE can control what is going to happen……… simply need to do the right things…right now. And I will tell you exactly what in my opinion they are. You have a chance, right here right now, to learn some things that will enable you to defend yourself...things that will make it possible for you to survive the very critical next couple of years and see your country survive.

Holy wall of impenetrable text, Batman!

And did he ever tell us? Or is there (*gasp*) even more to come?

Offline Night Hides Not

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Re: The best article on Donald Trump I've ever FAR
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2018, 09:10:01 am »
Holy wall of impenetrable text, Batman!

And did he ever tell us? Or is there (*gasp*) even more to come?

The Dude or Dudette remains stuck at one post, let's hope he/she took his/her ball and went home.
You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

1 John 3:18: Let us love not in word or speech, but in truth and action.

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Re: The best article on Donald Trump I've ever FAR
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2018, 10:08:51 am »

The Dude or Dudette remains stuck at one post, let's hope he/she took his/her ball and went home.

That's just cold, dude.  Just cold.

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Re: The best article on Donald Trump I've ever FAR
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2018, 10:42:30 am »
And no "shaggy dog" at the end?

The point could have been made in one paragraph,  or, at most, two.
“In the outside world, I'm a simple geologist. But in here .... I am Falcor, Defender of the Alliance” --Randy Marsh

“The most effectual means of being secure against pain is to retire within ourselves, and to suffice for our own happiness.” -- Thomas Jefferson

“He's so dumb he thinks a Mexican border pays rent.” --Foghorn Leghorn

Offline goatprairie

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Re: The best article on Donald Trump I've ever FAR
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2018, 07:10:28 pm »
And no "shaggy dog" at the end?

The point could have been made in one paragraph,  or, at most, two.
Most posters who go beyond several hundred words to make their point are generally not worth reading.

Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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Re: The best article on Donald Trump I've ever FAR
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2018, 07:34:58 pm »
This reads exactly like one of those online ads for some miracle vitamin supplement.  They spend paragraphs telling you how great their product is before you even find out what the product actually is.  The remarkable thing about it is that the people who write like that actually believe they're good writers.

Disclaimer -- I only got through a few sentences before losing interest.

« Last Edit: November 03, 2018, 08:34:41 pm by Maj. Bill Martin »

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Re: The best article on Donald Trump I've ever FAR
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2018, 08:00:17 pm »

All I can say is.... Yikes!

(If we cut and paste this and send it to our e-mail lists, we won't have any friends left!)
I wasn't past the first five paragraphs before I began wondering if this was mulcted out of Don Lapre's last will and testament.

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

Fake news---news you don't like or don't want to hear.

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Re: The best article on Donald Trump I've ever FAR
« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2018, 03:24:04 am »
Brevity is the sole of wit.

Right now this is a toss up between TLDR and "ain't nobody got time fo' dat."
Maybe I'll use if for speed reading practice later.
“The way I see it, every time a man gets up in the morning he starts his life over. Sure, the bills are there to pay, and the job is there to do, but you don't have to stay in a pattern. You can always start over, saddle a fresh horse and take another trail.” ― Louis L'Amour

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Re: The best article on Donald Trump I've ever FAR
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2018, 03:27:30 am »
Please read this, cut and paste it, and send to everyone on your email list.
Will it bring me luck or good fortune if I do? In sheer volume of words this is big league! :beer:
“The way I see it, every time a man gets up in the morning he starts his life over. Sure, the bills are there to pay, and the job is there to do, but you don't have to stay in a pattern. You can always start over, saddle a fresh horse and take another trail.” ― Louis L'Amour

Offline EasyAce

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Re: The best article on Donald Trump I've ever FAR
« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2018, 03:29:34 am »
Brevity is the sole of wit.
Filet o'?  wink777

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

Fake news---news you don't like or don't want to hear.

Offline Idaho_Cowboy

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Re: The best article on Donald Trump I've ever FAR
« Reply #18 on: November 04, 2018, 03:56:21 am »
Filet o'?  wink777
Durn it. I should have known something was fishy. Guess I was just being homo-phonic.  :cool:
“The way I see it, every time a man gets up in the morning he starts his life over. Sure, the bills are there to pay, and the job is there to do, but you don't have to stay in a pattern. You can always start over, saddle a fresh horse and take another trail.” ― Louis L'Amour

Offline EasyAce

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Re: The best article on Donald Trump I've ever FAR
« Reply #19 on: November 04, 2018, 05:14:40 am »
Durn it. I should have known something was fishy. Guess I was just being homo-phonic.  :cool:

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

Fake news---news you don't like or don't want to hear.