Author Topic: As the Caravan Approaches: There Probably Will Be Blood…  (Read 247 times)

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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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As the Caravan Approaches: There Probably Will Be Blood…
« on: November 01, 2018, 11:18:55 am »
As the Caravan Approaches: There Probably Will Be Blood…
… and the Dam Wall Finally Must Be Built
American Spectator, Oct 31, 2018, Dov Fischer


5. When the Hordes Reach Our Southern Border, Expect a Mess and a Media Circus


None of us wants to see anyone but MS-13 animals hurt. The ensuing melee threatens to be a human disaster. To deter them and induce them to reconsider, we may launch pepper spray, tear gas, and perhaps even play the chamber music of Johann Sebastian Bach. Then our defensive efforts to protect our border presumably might escalate to discharging rubber bullets. But there are too many who have marched too long, risked too much, and have become too emboldened. At some point, our border patrol — whether ICE or the National Guard or the United States military — may need to start firing live ammunition. If so, will there not be blood? People might be killed. Will a mother or child amid the hordes be shot, if not killed? And then the Seedier Media will lead with those photos — or, as Time does so well, they simply will falsify photo-shop equivalents for their front covers. And MSNBC and CNN will run those same film loops night and day as though they were the missing Malaysian Flight 370 or an Anthony Bourdain promo.

Israel has gone through this. The pictures and stories are crummy, even after Israel convincingly documents with the hardest evidence — names, photographs, and documents — that more than ninety percent of the killed actually were terrorist leaders. In Israel’s case, despite world condemnation, the response necessarily is two-fold: (i) “To Purgatory and Gehenna with the United Nations and Europe; let’s see how they handle it when hordes storm their borders”; and (ii) “Sorry, but the majority of our country voted to live.”

We in America have the advantage over Israel that, at least under this President, we do not apologize to those who owe us their freedoms and their very lives, and we do not answer to anyone. If the United Nations gets us angry enough, we can (i) veto them at the Security Council, (ii) remodel the United Nations into a homeless shelter for the fruits of De Blasio’s labors, and (iii) throw the rest of the U.N. delegates out of our country and back to the holes whence they come — after they pay their millions owed in parking tickets. The Europeans, meanwhile, won’t dare test this President. Yes, they bought off Obama for eight years by conferring on him a Nobel For-What-the-Heck Prize. But if they try that on Trump, not only will they fail but he probably also will impose a 25% tariff on the metal from which they craft the medallion. But the Seedier Media at home still will distort the reality at the border.

Bullets may well fly at the southern border. There may well be blood. And the take-away for a chastened and sobered populace finally will be that we no longer have a choice: we simply have got to build a physical barrier — a dam to stop floods of Illegals — that is tall enough, thick enough, barbed enough, miles-long enough that it will assist immeasurably in dealing with large-scale efforts to invade our land and desecrate our sovereign integrity. The Caravan and the ensuing melee will demonstrate that technology alone is not enough and that The Wall is imperative.

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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Re: As the Caravan Approaches: There Probably Will Be Blood…
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2018, 11:21:55 am »

1.  The Israel Experience
2.  And Now the Hordes Surge Towards Invading Our Borders
3.  The Democrat-Leftist Strategy: Stack the Courts and Stack the Voters
4.  The Caravan Definitively Demonstrates Why The Dam Wall Finally Must Be Built: If You Build It, They Won’t Come
6.  If the Next Congress Will Not Allocate Wall Funding, the President Must Redirect $25b. From the Defense Budget to Build The Dam Wall As a Matter of National Defense and Homeland Security