Author Topic: Trump: 'We're going to start paying down debt'  (Read 2696 times)

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Offline Frank Cannon

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Re: Trump: 'We're going to start paying down debt'
« Reply #50 on: November 02, 2018, 04:10:25 am »
You already know that I've never made any such claims about "peak oil" or "overpopulation". Just a strawman argument from you when you can't address the point.

Good luck with your denial of economic reality. Venezuelans said much the same. Free shit for everyone.

No. The Venezuelans took control of all the means of production in their country. That's what killed them. If they were still able to pump oil they would be still viable.

Just like Peak Oil and Overpopulation ninnies, you Deficit Chicken Littles have been droning on for decades about it without anything ever happening. Nothing. Where is the effing collapse? We're not even close to a collapse. We rolled through a total meltdown of our economy in '08 and are still trucking along. What you say is meaningless bullshit. It's sophistry. It's words in an economics text book. Where is this tangible actual collapse I was promised from you clowns? There are millions of Preppers and Gold Bugs desperately pining for it. It never comes. 

Offline RoosGirl

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Re: Trump: 'We're going to start paying down debt'
« Reply #51 on: November 02, 2018, 04:14:09 am »
No. The Venezuelans took control of all the means of production in their country. That's what killed them. If they were still able to pump oil they would be still viable.

Just like Peak Oil and Overpopulation ninnies, you Deficit Chicken Littles have been droning on for decades about it without anything ever happening. Nothing. Where is the effing collapse? We're not even close to a collapse. We rolled through a total meltdown of our economy in '08 and are still trucking along. What you say is meaningless bullshit. It's sophistry. It's words in an economics text book. Where is this tangible actual collapse I was promised from you clowns? There are millions of Preppers and Gold Bugs desperately pining for it. It never comes.

YMy food stuffs have a limited shelf life.  It needs to happen soon.

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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Re: Trump: 'We're going to start paying down debt'
« Reply #52 on: November 02, 2018, 04:18:21 am »
That's not a reason.  Seems more like an excuse and a bad one at that. 

It's not a reason it's slogan, like "it's always darkest before the dawn," or "the most valuable ship is friendship."

We spent your future because Rome wasn't built in a day....Yeah!  That's why.

Offline Frank Cannon

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Re: Trump: 'We're going to start paying down debt'
« Reply #53 on: November 02, 2018, 04:32:07 am »
YMy food stuffs have a limited shelf life.  It needs to happen soon.

Tell me about it. Glenn Beck got me to mortgage my house three times to buy gold deblumes, freeze dried steaks and powdered milk. I wanna use that shit.

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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Re: Trump: 'We're going to start paying down debt'
« Reply #54 on: November 02, 2018, 04:51:50 am »
Hardly and no way, as sanctions are way worse than under Obama. Maybe who Russia owns are who allowed them Crimea and to take hold of parts of Eastern Ukraine... not the administration that had to basically massacre 250 Russian mercenaries, gee, that does not count nor does striking Syria two times.

Your right.  I completely forgot how much Putin values his people, his dear friend Trump, the American people, and you and I individually.  I am ashamed I doubted his intentions when President Trump vouched for him.

I don't know why I questioned if Republicans would keep Trump honest.  You guys are not sleepwalking at all.  /sarc