Author Topic: The Democratic Party: A History Of Anarchy, Part 1  (Read 164 times)

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The Democratic Party: A History Of Anarchy, Part 1
« on: October 29, 2018, 05:31:33 pm »
The Democratic Party: A History Of Anarchy, Part 1
Oct 02, 2018 Read More Articles by Steven Neill

Today’s Democrats: The more things change, the more they stay the same

“This is how we’re going to kill your wife.”

Since the election of Donald Trump, the vitriolic attacks on Trump, his family, cabinet, and conservatives in America today are non-stop. Almost daily there is an outrageous attack by the left on people they do not agree with which is promptly glossed over by the main stream media (MSM) as a justified reaction to Trump.  To be fair, there have been and continue to be those on the right with a violent and/murderous bent in them. People like  John Brown, Michael Fredrick Griffin, shooter of abortion provider Dr. David Gunn, Timothy McVeigh and the Sovereign Citizen movement are all questionably labeled as “right wing.” Also some of the violent attacks attributed to the left are people with serious mental issues just like some of those from the right.

The methodology used by the SPLC to create the list of “right wing terrorism” is also highly dubious as they often falsely label a violent attack as one done by a “right winger” and simply ignore left wing and Muslim violence. Many are not even acts of terrorism,  and/or are given more infamy than acts of the same magnitude done by Islamic and left wing terrorists. However, there is substantial evidence that points to McVeigh as not being a “right-winger” at all but possibly a stooge working for Hussain Al-Hussaini, an Iraqi Republican Guardsman. Other reputable sources conclude that McVeigh had no links to the militias he was supposedly in league with, plus he never supported a “limited” government, but rather an all-powerful racist state.