Author Topic: Fox guest: CNN makes ‘no effort’ to understand why people chant ‘CNN sucks,’ act like they’ve done  (Read 205 times)

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Fox guest: CNN makes ‘no effort’ to understand why people chant ‘CNN sucks,’ act like they’ve done nothing to deserve it
October 28, 2018 | Tom Tillison | Print Article
In light of alleged mail bomber Cesar Sayoc having a sticker on his van targeting CNN, The Federalist’s Emily Jashinsky charged that the cable news network “makes no effort” to understand the animosity most on the right have toward them.

Appearing on Fox News’ “Media Buzz,” Jashinsky said CNN instead acts “like they are the victim” when people start chanting “CNN sucks,” which is what Sayoc had displayed on his van.

Host Howard Kurtz pointed out that President Trump said at a rally last week in Wisconsin that the media “has a responsibility to set a civil tone,” and asked Jashinsky if cable news and the web “reward divisive rhetoric and plays up inflammatory soundbites.”