Author Topic: Aircraft Carriers vs. Submarines: Which Is the Ultimate Naval Weapon for War?  (Read 395 times)

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October 27, 2018

Aircraft Carriers vs. Submarines: Which Is the Ultimate Naval Weapon for War?

One of the world's top military minds takes a look and provides important background.
by Robert Farley Follow drfarls on Twitter L

The great naval powers emerged from World War I relatively confident that the battleship would continue to decide question of naval warfare. German submarines had nearly starved Great Britain in the last two years of the war, but the Royal Navy had turned back the offensive with minimal damage to its heavy units. The Royal Navy had also begun to experiment with aircraft carriers , a development the American and Japanese watched with close attention. Still, the major interwar naval agreements concentrated on battleships , rather than on “support” vessels such as the carrier and the submarine.

In World War II, the aircraft carrier and submarine would finally have their day; American subs and carriers swept the seas of Japanese warships and merchant vessels, while in the Atlantic German submarines struggled against British and American escorts to win the Second Battle of the Atlantic .  In the Cold War era, the Soviets and Americans prepared both their submarines and carriers, each with revolutionary new designs , for renewed struggle.