Author Topic: A Historic Threat to Women  (Read 191 times)

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A Historic Threat to Women
« on: October 26, 2018, 01:07:05 pm »
A Historic Threat to Women

By Daniel Greenfield —— Bio and Archives--October 26, 2018

A Historic Threat to Women
“Donald Trump represents a historic threat to women everywhere,” Phil Murphy had declared.

Murphy was running for governor of New Jersey against a Republican woman. And he had decided to fully back the Women’s March, a rally of radical leftists led by Farrakhan supporters, one of whom, Linda Sarsour, had been accused of covering up sexual abuse and harassment in her old workplace.

“Women aren’t afraid to fight back — and neither am I,” bragged the leftist Democrat. “I’ll fight to stop sexual harassment and assault.”

3 months later, Al Alvarez, a top Murphy aide, originally in charge of Muslim and Latino outreach, allegedly tried to rape one of the feminist candidate’s campaign volunteers.