Author Topic: WHAT’S THE MEXICAN PRESIDENT UP TO While Trump Orders 800 Troops To Our Southern Border As Caravan  (Read 219 times)

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WHAT’S THE MEXICAN PRESIDENT UP TO While Trump Orders 800 Troops To Our Southern Border As Caravan Grows to 14,000
Oct 25, 2018

President Trump is sending 800 troops to our southern border to stop the flow of 14,000 people. Mexico hasn’t been able to stop the literal invasion at our Southern border. There have been reports that the Mexican police has been standing down and even assisting the invaders on their journey. Defense Secretary Mattis is expected to sign the order for 800 troops to go down to the US/Mexico border today. The problem is that these troops are reportedly just there to aid the border patrol. So what’s the Mexican President doing about this? Read what he said in a speech during his camapign and you be the judge…