Author Topic: Previously Deported Illegal Immigrants Using Caravan To Sneak Back Into US  (Read 260 times)

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Previously Deported Illegal Immigrants Using Caravan To Sneak Back Into US
10:51 AM 10/22/2018 | US
Will Racke 

Many of the thousands of migrants streaming north through Mexico in a so-called “caravan” have been deported from the U.S. before, and they have joined the group in hopes of slipping back into America undetected by authorities at the southwest border.

The caravan formed in northern Honduras earlier in October, swelling from a few hundred migrants to more than 5,000 as it passed through Guatemala and into Mexico over the weekend. For some of the participants, the mass march is an opportunity to return to the U.S. amid chaos caused by large numbers of people arriving at the U.S-Mexico border at the same time. (RELATED: Trump Alerts Border Patrol Of ‘National Emergency’ As Caravan Progresses)

“When I heard about the caravan, I knew it was my chance,” Guatemalan national Job Reyes, 36, told The Washington Post in Mexico.