Author Topic: Gingrich Uncovers Dem’s Filthy Plan For ‘Blue Wave’  (Read 225 times)

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Gingrich Uncovers Dem’s Filthy Plan For ‘Blue Wave’
Daphne Moon

Newt Gingrich shed some light on Democrats who have begun to funnel money into red States. I guess the Idea here is that the Dems could make a ‘blue wave’ so no they’re going to buy one?

Gingrich’s report shows the latest State to be targeted by liberal elitists was Georgia and guess who one of the biggest donors to their cause has been? None other than George Soros, who reportedly gave $1 million so far.

The $1 million Soros donation on June 27 is the second to a Democratic campaign cause this year by an out-of-state contributor: San Francisco investor Susan Sandler gave $1 million in March to a political action committee backing Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams. She’d given $250,000 to the same PAC a few weeks earlier, AJC Politics reported.

As Reported By Gingrich On Fox News:


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Re: Gingrich Uncovers Dem’s Filthy Plan For ‘Blue Wave’
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2018, 10:15:26 am »
McCain-Feingold has been a huge success. *****rollingeyes*****