Author Topic: THE POLLS ARE USELESS  (Read 183 times)

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« on: October 20, 2018, 01:13:58 pm »
Power Line
John Hinderaker
Oct. 19, 2018

What will happen on November 6? I have no idea. But here’s the point: no one else has any idea, either.

Sometimes, the choice is between polls and common sense. Or, as Groucho used to say, who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes? I go with my lying eyes every time.

So, for instance, the polls have generally shown Arizona’s Senate race between fighter pilot Martha McSally and bizarre leftist Kyrsten Simena to be close, with Simena often in the lead. This is ridiculous. Simena is not just a nut, she is an anti-Arizona nut. At least four or five videos have been released in which she describes her own state as the “meth lab of democracy” and says that Arizonans are “crazy.” Repeatedly. Over and over. And Simena has a long history as a far leftist. She denounced American soldiers and protested the Iraq war in a pink tutu. If she were running for President of Code Pink, she would be a strong candidate. As a candidate for the United States Senate, she is hopeless.
