General Category > Immigration/Border

Senator Brown: Give Amnesty to Every Illegal With an American’s Job


Senator Brown: Give Amnesty to Every Illegal With an American’s Job
Steven Ahle  October 18, 2018

Sherrod Brown of Ohio says that the United States must stop enforcing immigration laws immediately and that the taxpayers must repair (pay for) the damage done to those whose only crime is invading our country illegally. He says that every illegal that has a job that should rightfully go to an American must receive amnesty.

Brown is a member in good standing of the Open Borders Club. He is also against people who use the drug cartel’s method of entering the country by using children to set off the Flores Catch and Release program.

From Breitbart News

Frank Cannon:
Brown doesn't even remotely says this in the article. Total bullshit piece.

I wonder what Brown's constituents currently unemployed think about this?


--- Quote from: Frank Cannon on October 18, 2018, 11:57:12 am ---Brown doesn't even remotely says this in the article. Total bullshit piece.

--- End quote ---

Oh pshaw Frank.  You have to trust a site like "" 


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