Author Topic: Remember That Our Opponents Are Insane Crazy People  (Read 230 times)

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Remember That Our Opponents Are Insane Crazy People
« on: October 12, 2018, 01:19:36 pm »
Remember That Our Opponents Are Insane Crazy People
Kurt Schlichter
Posted: Oct 11, 2018 12:01 AM

I liked it when the howling loonies started pounding on the bronze doors of the Supreme Court like Brett Kavanaugh was totally going to open them up and invite the freaks in to air their many stupid grievances over a hot cup of Too Damn Bad. I also liked it when Lindsey Graham dissed that silly shrieking harpy as he adjusted his tie and smirked. And I liked it when Jesse Kelly channeled Andrew Breitbart by heading down to the protest with a t-shirt that said “Hands Off My Uterus.” I liked a lot of things about last week, and all of them involved liberal jerks being unhappy.

Their pain feeds my soul.