Author Topic: Jerry Brown, the Democrats’ Model Crime Governor. CA Dems: the party of crime, high taxes, illegal  (Read 248 times)

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Jerry Brown, the Democrats’ Model Crime Governor
CA Dems: the party of crime, high taxes, illegal immigration and voter fraud.
October 11, 2018
Lloyd Billingsley

Brett Kavanaugh has been confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court but California’s Democrat governor Jerry Brown, also a Yale law alum, opposed President Trump’s pick. During the left’s smear tsunami, Brown told reporters, “There’s no doubt that he was a heavy drinker and he told the exact opposite statement. So his lies, I think, are relatively well-proved and I hope the FBI can figure that out.” As it happens, concern over heaving drinking is a new development for the California’s top Democrat.

Previous governor Arnold Schwarzenegger appointed as state finance director Ana Matosantos, who held only a BA in political science and feminist studies. In 2011, Sacramento police busted Matosantos for drunk driving, which from 2003 to 2012 claimed 10,327 lives in California. She took full responsibility for her “reckless and irresponsible” actions and offered to resign but incoming governor Brown declined the offer and kept the unqualified Matosantos on the job.