Author Topic: How Democrat Rage is Destroying America. A deranged radical movement gets high on its own fury.  (Read 321 times)

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How Democrat Rage is Destroying America
A deranged radical movement gets high on its own fury.
October 11, 2018
Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.

“Use the rage,” former Attorney General Eric Holder scream-tweeted. “Get people out to vote and be rid of these people.”

Had President Trump urged his supporters to channel their rage into politics, the quote would have been good for a week of sanctimonious media lectures about his destruction of democratic norms. Not to mention his dangerous divisiveness, the risk of violence and the high price of tea in Outer Mongolia.

Offline Jazzhead

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Daniel Henninger in today's WSJ:

A valid criticism of Donald Trump is that he hasn't expanded his base into a broader coalition.   But his luck in attracting self-destructive opponents is astonishing. 
It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide

Online goatprairie

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Trump makes a lot of careless i.e ill-considered statements, but it doesn't make any difference if everything he said had been carefully plotted out and vetted beforehand.
The media hates all Republicans  and will use any statement made or not made by a Republican president to depict Republicans as haters, mysogynists, homophobes, racists, etc.
On this matter Trump can't be blamed. Might as well say what's on his mind, he'll get attacked no matter what.
Case in point, watch his meeting with West.  Now, an impartial media would praise Trump for meeting with a well-known,  black ...uh..."entertainer" to supposedly try and solve problems in the black community.
Instead,  according to the "experts" on black matters, West is an Uncle Tom and probably mentally deficient, and Trump is just pandering to black voters.
In short, Trump (or any Republican president) won't win with the liberal media.
Lowest black unemployment rate in many years? So what..."Trump is just a nasty racist."
Why? "Because he just is" shrieks the media.
If Trump didn't meet with West or Jim Brown, then what would he be? According to the media a nasty racist who refuses to meet with top black entertainers to help solve black problems.
Liberals are increasingly just leftists who don't want any peaceful agreements with conservatives. They're coming closer and closer to declaring outright war on  conservatives.