How To Stop Letting The Left Co-Opt Every Single Social MovementThe American left has learned from history. They now co-opt every legitimate movement and use it as a weapon to achieve political power. So don’t create power centers for them to grab.
Jesse Kelly
The Federalist
Oct. 11, 2018
“Never let a good crisis go to waste.†–Rahm EmanuelOne of the truly special things about America is that we were able to cast off a tyrant without creating another one. We bucked the odds. The common end is usually ugly for revolutions, social movements, and really any effort that has people uniting en masse to right a wrong.
The French Revolution threw off a horrible monarchy, but ended with a dictator. The Cuban Revolution led by Fidel Castro took down an authoritarian government—and promptly replaced it with an authoritarian government. The American left has learned from history. They now co-opt every legitimate movement and use it as a weapon to achieve political power.
One of the easy ways to tell the difference between a legitimate movement and a grift is that legitimate movements quickly purge the false actors from their midst. Grifts welcome the false actors and purge the critics.
Look no further than this Brett Kavanaugh confirmation fiasco and the damage it has done to the Me Too movement. ...
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