Author Topic: How ‘Social Justice’ Warriors Kill Free Thought  (Read 353 times)

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How ‘Social Justice’ Warriors Kill Free Thought
« on: October 06, 2018, 04:56:13 pm »
How ‘Social Justice’ Warriors Kill Free Thought

    By Philip Carl Salzman October 2, 2018

Sixty years ago, higher education had an open culture where students and professors could explore many different social and political perspectives, views, values, and theories. Together, they would consider different approaches, argue about them, and draw what conclusions they could.

But for the last half-century, universities have transitioned from an open to a closed culture, in which an official ideology was merged with an official morality, which led to the exclusion of all other views. I have seen this development first hand as a professor for fifty years at McGill University, but have read news and organizational reports that verify that this is as close to a universal change in North American colleges and universities.