Author Topic: 17 more of Australia’s rejected asylum seekers on the way to your US town  (Read 600 times)

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    17 more of Australia’s rejected asylum seekers on the way to your US town

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on September 26, 2018

    Sorry Trumpsters but I gotta call it the way I see it—Trump was foolish to agree to Obama’s “dumb” deal (to move up to 1,250 illegal aliens that Australia had sent to detention camps and refused to admit to their mainland) to America as legitimate refugees.

    Refugees receive all sorts of welfare goodies and their hands are held through the process of signing them up for those benefits by a resettlement contractor. Then they are free to roam anywhere in America.
    Seventeen more single young men (likely all Muslims)—Pakistanis and Rohingya—just left for Yourtown, USA.

    Meet your new neighbors!
