Author Topic: Leading Terror 'Expert' Claims Jihadis are 'Ignorant About Islam'  (Read 249 times)

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Leading Terror 'Expert' Claims Jihadis are 'Ignorant About Islam'
The willful ignorance of the counter-terror establishment imperils us all.
September 26, 2018
Robert Spencer
When the counter-terror experts don’t know the basic facts about their field, we’re all in trouble. Establishment counterterror analyst Max Abrahms, a professor at Northeastern University and a “term member” at the Council on Foreign Relations, is an exponent of all the false assumptions and failed dogmas that have crippled our response to the jihad terror threat for years now. This wins Abrahms plaudits from the establishment media, but only ensures that the same failed policies will be implemented again and again.

Abrahms once agreed to debate me on the question of whether or not the Islamic State is Islamic, but then lost his nerve and backed out, leaving behind a smokescreen of ad hominem attacks to mask his cowardice. And now we see how he would have fared if that debate had happened: in a review of Abrahms’ new book in the august Times Literary Supplement, Diana Darke inadvertently reveals that Abrahms is abjectly ignorant of Islam, and of the jihad terrorists about whom he professes to have expert knowledge.