Author Topic: Fake Rape Victims Are More Fun than Real Ones  (Read 190 times)

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Fake Rape Victims Are More Fun than Real Ones
« on: September 28, 2018, 01:01:56 pm »
September 28, 2018
Fake Rape Victims Are More Fun than Real Ones
By Deborah C. Tyler

To grasp why members of the American left come out to rant and root for their favorite fake victims like Colin Kaepernik and Christine Blasey Ford while they ignore real victims like Juanita Broaddrick, we will introduce two new concepts: narcissistic authoritarianism and its ethical strategy, the fake victim-rescuer delusional system.

In the last century, science and technology conferred astonishing and ubiquitous material improvements to life around the world and especially in America.  The dizzying ascendance of wealth and material privilege set the stage for a fundamental shift in consciousness from morality and law (which infuse compassion and justice into the daily struggle for survival) to consciousness oriented around narcissistic gratification.  In this paradigm, the struggle for survival is over, and the goal of ethical consciousness is to feel good about oneself.  This vast transition arose when scientific advancement, mass affluence, and material comfort afforded shortcuts around historic American righteous authority articulated in our biblical and constitutional heritage.  Moral absolutes became the refuge of simpletons, and maintaining a constitutional republic more bother than it's worth.

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