Author Topic: The Top Five Shameful Ways Democrats Have Tried to Thwart Kavanaugh's Confirmation  (Read 248 times)

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The Top Five Shameful Ways Democrats Have Tried to Thwart Kavanaugh's Confirmation
By Matt Margolis September 21, 2018

Some people say we’re on the verge of another civil war. I think the Kavanaugh hearings have demonstrated that we’re already there. As nasty as politics gets, what we’ve been witnessing the past few weeks has left me more disenchanted than ever. Democrats are desperately trying to maintain their hold on the judicial branch. Since Donald Trump took office, almost every major policy decision he’s made has been met with court challenges, with radical activist judges taking it upon themselves to thwart Trump’s constitutional authority.

Democrats are also still licking their wounds over the inability to get Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court, and have used every dirty trick they can to thwart Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination, if not just delay it as long as possible.