Author Topic: Immigration, Inequality, and America’s Future  (Read 336 times)

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Immigration, Inequality, and America’s Future
« on: September 24, 2018, 12:43:35 pm »
 Immigration, Inequality, and America’s Future
Posted By Charles Fain Lehman On September 23, 2018 @ 5:00 am In Culture | No Comments

The key trick of Reihan Salam's new book, Melting Pot or Civil War?, is that it neatly bridges the yawning partisan gap on immigration using issues that concern both sides. We can have social equality and solidarity, Salam argues, or we can have immigration; we cannot possibly have both.

Salam's pedigree well-qualifies him to cross the chasm. On one hand, as the executive editor of National Review, he carries impeccable conservative credentials. On the other, being the son of Bengali immigrants who grew up speaking his parents' native tongue at home, he says many expect him to be something of an immigration dove. One suspects that it is this combination of views that leads to Salam's thoughtful, measured conclusion that America in the 21st century needs to rethink how many and what sort of people it lets cross its borders.

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