Author Topic: The ‘deep state’ leaves Trump with no good options  (Read 246 times)

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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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The ‘deep state’ leaves Trump with no good options
« on: September 23, 2018, 03:54:07 pm »
The ‘deep state’ leaves Trump with no good options
NY Post, Sep 22, 2018, Michael Goodwin

President Trump is not generally given to understatement, but he soft-pedaled problems at the Department of Justice. There is, he said Friday, a “lingering stench” there.

A “stench” doesn’t describe the situation. A snake pit is more like it.

The report by The New York Times that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein plotted to remove Trump, either by wearing a wire or invoking the 25th Amendment, cements forever the fact that there was and still is a deep state centered in the nation’s top law-enforcement agency. This was a plot by power-mad individuals who aimed to overturn the 2016 election and thwart the will of voters.

Rosenstein, two weeks into his new job, reportedly suggested the ideas in a meeting with others at the FBI. He called the Times story “inaccurate” but denied specific allegations with lawyerly wiggle room, meaning Rosenstein is no Brett Kavanaugh when it comes to total assertions of innocence.

Later, the Justice Department conceded Rosenstein made the comments, but insisted he was joking.

Joking, schmoking. I believe he was deadly serious based on the sequence of events before and ­after the meeting.

It took place on May 16, 2017 — exactly a week after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, according to the Times and other media reports.


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Re: The ‘deep state’ leaves Trump with no good options
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2018, 03:58:44 pm »

Rosenstein had favored the firing and wrote a compelling memo laying out why it was justified. When the White House cited his memo to fend off critics, Rosenstein reportedly felt he was being set up as a fall guy. Democrats attacked him as a Trump stooge and he told friends he feared for his reputation.

He supposedly called the meeting to explain himself to Comey’s crew, including Andrew McCabe, who had been named acting FBI director. Instead, it became a gripe session about Trump and chaos at the White House.  [...]

It soon became clear just how angry. The next day, May 17, Rosenstein shocked Washington by appointing Robert Mueller as special counsel and directing him to take over the existing Russia collusion investigation and virtually anything else Mueller wanted to probe.

Furious at the president and being attacked on all sides, Rosenstein suddenly had the power to strike back. And he did.  [...]

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Re: The ‘deep state’ leaves Trump with no good options
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2018, 04:00:29 pm »
Here we are, 16 months later, and Mueller has not revealed a shred of evidence against Trump [...]

And it all began because Rod Rosenstein was an emotional wreck and in a job too big for him. History might never have turned on a smaller hinge.