Author Topic: ABC Political Strategist Calls Clarence Thomas ‘Sexual Predator,’ Defends Kavanaugh Accuser  (Read 228 times)

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 ABC Political Strategist Calls Clarence Thomas ‘Sexual Predator,’ Defends Kavanaugh Accuser
by Accuracy In Media on September 18, 2018

ABC News chief political analyst Matthew Dowd jumped into the Brett Kavanaugh/Christine Blasey Ford fray by calling Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas a “sexual predator” in a tweet Monday, saying it was “despicable and outrageous” that Thomas was confirmed despite Anita Hill’s allegations.

Dowd, who was a chief strategist on the 2004 Bush-Cheney campaign is a fierce critic of the Trump administration, tweeted, Monday “It was despicable and outrageous what happened to Anita Hill more than 25 years ago, and a sexual predator was given a lifetime seat on the SC.

“Let’s hope history doesn’t repeat itself in 2018.”