Author Topic: Massive October Surprise Coming – The Enemies Within Are Being Exposed As President Trump Prepares  (Read 246 times)

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Massive October Surprise Coming – The Enemies Within Are Being Exposed As President Trump Prepares To Take The War Against The Deep State To The Next Level

Saturday, September 22, 2018 by: News Editors   

(Natural News) With Project Veritas publishing three undercover videos in just three days, all showing Democratic Socialists and “Deep State” government workers admitting to possible felonies, and a coordinated campaign from within to hinder President Trump’s economic agenda, along with Sarah Carter’s breaking report that the FBI, under Comey, kept two separate set of books, one with the real spy documents and the other for just appearances, we are seeing multiple layers of the enemies within being exposed.

 Top that off with President Trump finally ordering the declassification of some key documents in the FBI’s Russia investigation as well as FBI reports on agent interviews, known as “302s,” and we are looking at a massive information dump that should carry over into what might just be the most spectacular October Surprise seen in recent history.