Author Topic: March For Our Lives Co-Founder Quits, Has Regrets About Things He Said  (Read 247 times)

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Offline Sanguine

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March For Our Lives co-founder Cameron Kasky told Fox News radio on Wednesday that he has left the organization that he helped create and that he has regrets about some of the things that he has said since he entered the public spotlight.

"One of the things I never really did was watch myself," Kasky said. "If I was on a screen I kind of tried to run away from it. I'm not entirely sure why. But, looking back on that it's like you said, you touched off on this very well in the intro, I'm not going to kick myself for it because I'm 17. Despite the fact that I thought I did at the time, I don't know everything."


"This summer when March For Our Lives went on the summer tour that we embarked on, I met that person in Texas who's got that semi-automatic weapon because that's how they like to protect their family," Kasky continued. "I met the 50-some-odd-percent of woman who are pro-life, even though I thought it was preposterous that a woman could be pro-life and not pro-choice at the time. I learned that a lot of our issues politically come from a lack of understanding of other perspectives and also the fact that so often young conservatives and young liberals will go into debate, like I said earlier, trying to beat the other one as opposed to come to an agreement."

The activist added that he plans to start a new podcast...

Per Wikipedia, this group is:

Following the school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, on February 14, Cameron Kasky, a junior at the school, and his classmates, announced the march four days later.[19] Also joining the march efforts are Alex Wind of Stoneman Douglas High School, who along with four friends created the "Never Again" campaign.[10] Emma González and David Hogg, also survivors of the shooting, have been vocal supporters of the march.[20]

Breath of fresh air, this one.